Last additions - Shalane McCall

smccall235a2985 viewsunknown source. Thanks to Kyla for the picture.Aug 29, 2004

smccall2323129 viewsunknown source. Thanks to Kyla for the picture.Aug 29, 2004

smccall2271463 viewsShalane's autograph - date unknownJul 28, 2004

smccall226b1190 viewst-shirt with some autographs, Shalane's autograph is in the upper left. Also on the t-shirt are autographs of Alyssa Milano and Andy GowerJul 28, 2004

smccall226a1092 viewst-shirt with some autographsJul 28, 2004

smccall2211505 views(thanks to Carmen for this picture)Jul 28, 2004

smccall2253686 viewsShalane and a surf board - photo made by David Goldner (www.goldner.com)Jul 28, 2004

smccall2243164 viewsbeautiful Shalane - photo made by David Goldner (www.goldner.com)Jul 28, 2004

smccall2233195 viewsShalane and a surf board - Photo made by David Goldner (www.goldner.com)Jul 28, 2004

smccall222a1557 views(thanks to Carmen for the pictures)Jul 28, 2004

smccall2201218 viewsJul 28, 2004

smccall2191693 viewsseveral photos of Shalane offered at eBayJul 28, 2004

smccall2171166 viewsseveral slides of Shalane sold by IconpixJul 28, 2004

smccall2181456 viewsJul 28, 2004

smccall2141448 viewsposter of Shalane in the french-canadian magazine "Lundi" (Lundi = Monday = Montag) - date unknownJul 28, 2004

smccall2033161 viewswallpaper of ShalaneJul 28, 2004